And yet it moves


Trails are ordained

Inescapable, yet so empowering

For the belief fails to fade out

Even when bright light does,

Even when those who showered flowers upon us

Now pelt us with stones

Even when silence is the only audible sound

In prison cells like mine


How much shall men endure

For the sake of making men see the truth,

That they had never foreseen?

Ah, the ordeals of Copernicus

Of Columbus, who was deemed a fool

When he said that the earth is round

As for the listeners, truth is bitter

And for the truthful, painfully sour


O Mother Earth,

How many myths lie within you

How many, do men need to live with,

And how many shall they die with?

Holding their tongue

Fearing the wrath of this world?

When will truth be accepted

Without having its throat clutched?


One thing I’m sure of though

It’s subtle how truth shall sustain

The discoveries shall be unremembered

And the discoverers forgotten

But truth shall remain

In dark nights, for us the universe sleeps

Eppur si muove : and yet it moves


(Galileo in prison, after he was imprisoned by the Church)

©Jalees Hyder

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